Dark Forces MUSH Wiki

Possession of Realms determines who or what changeling casters are able to affect when casting cantrips. Everything up to the level she possesses is inclusive; thus if a changeling possesses four levels of a particular Realm, she is able to affect anything up to the fourth level. The level of the Realm used added to the appropriate Attribute (based on the Art used) determines the number of dice the changeling has available to cast a cantrip. If several Realms are used in casting a cantrip, she must use the Realm with the fewest number of dots for figuring the Dice Pool. Even if she only needs a lower level of a Realm, she can still use her full rating for the purposes of casting a cantrip. So if she has five levels of Fae, but is only trying to affect a commoner, she can still add five to her Dice Pool. For example, a giant land dragon is rushing at a group of changelings. Thinking quickly, Eriond the eshu decides to cast a Wind Runner cantrip so that they may fly away out of danger. The changelings have a couple of enchanted mortals with them, further complicating the situation. Eriond has to use three Realms to be able to affect himself and all of his companions: He has Fae 4 (though he would only need one, since all of his companions are commoners), but he has only Actor 1 (which is fortunately enough since the enchanted mortals are good friends). He then combines this with Scene 4 (since they are currently in an open field). The lowest Realm he possesses is Actor, so Eriond uses this Realm when determining his Dice Pool for casting the cantrip. Exceptions to the use of Realms are Scene and Time. In most cases, Scene allows the caster to affect multiple targets, and Time allows a cantrip to be cast with a delay before it takes effect (literally, a time bomb). When used this way, neither Realms are used to figure in the number of dice for Dice Pool. There are some instances where Scene can be used as the primary Realm, and in such cases Scene is used to help determine the Dice Pool.

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