Dark Forces MUSH Wiki

Spider on the Mirror (Level Five)[]

The Ananasi with this Gift is able to create exact duplicates of herself to act as drones, suddenly turning into a one-woman army. The created drones are mindless, powerless entities, possessing only the physical abilities of the Tenere that created them. Each of the duplicates will act only as directed by their creator, following those directions to the letter. Once their instructed task has been completed, the created duplicates stop all actions, awaiting further direction.


The Ananasi must make a Gnosis roll (difficulty 8). For every success, the character may create one physical duplicate of herself. For each created duplicate, the Tenere must also pay one blood point. The character must give verbal instruction to all the duplicates, who will immediately begin to carry out their assigned duty. Each duplicate possesses the physical Attributes, Gifts, Talents and Skills of its creator, but its Mental Attributes are no higher than 1, and Knowledges do not transfer. Once created, the duplicates will begin to disappear at an alarming rate. Beginning the fourth turn after they are created, one duplicate will disappear every other turn, until only the original Ananasi is left.
